Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thank you to my visitors

I have a tracker on my blog that shows me where my visitors come from. Just a shout out to my international visitors from (no particular order!):
United Kingdom
Yukon Territory (that's pretty far north and the only thing that I know about that area is from the CBC show "North of 60" that used to air)
Switzerland (been there)
Sweden (saw Sweden when I was in Denmark)
Singapore (Raymond, is that you?)
Germany (lived there for three years - who is the person from the Stuttgart area?)
Netherlands (been there - very cool B&B which served chocolate with the coffee)
France (been there)
S. Korea (Eun Sook, is that you?)

Welcome everyone!


nordwolke said...

"Germany (lived there for three years - who is the person from the Stuttgart area?)"

Well, the problem with the tracker is that it shows another city any time I visit a blog. I see that on LB's Blog. Sometimes I live in Mainz, sometimes in Stuttgart, sometimes in Frankfurt (according to the tracker) ... So, it could be that it was me but it also could be that it was someone else from Germany. I live 50 km norhtwards of Frankfurt/Main ...

Deann said...

You are one of my favorite blogs. I enjoy all your projects and have learned alot from you.

Mary Timme said...

Isn't it fun seeing where people hale from? Makes me wonder where they've yet to go? I love that.

Arlete said...

Not fair... Brasil is already on the list...