STOP! Liz, you are driving me crazy! And although it's not a long trip, it's time that I cleaned it up. It's insanity to have a counter that's 5 feet long and bead in a 8x10inch square.
Thursday, I emptied two boxes from work and schlepped them home. On Friday, I have a day off work. No appointments, nothing to do until the late afternoon. I'll get up as if I was going to work, dressed and make coffee....and get started. Three categories:
- Keep
- Donate
- Toss
Questions for myself:
- Do I need to keep those patterns that I had bought when I first started beading? Will I ever do any of those again?
- The ultra suede petal/tulip bag? Will I ever make another? Will I ever wear the ones that I do have?
- Patterns printed on the internet from the mid-late 90's and never made? Will I ever make it if I haven't by now? Toss?
- Interesting beads that some of the doctors have brought me from overseas during the last 10 years and I have never done anything with? Will I ever? Do I want to keep them even though my space is limited?
- Dorky patterns that I did myself and never did anything with. Save because one day they might be worth money? Toss because even I never beaded them?