Bead and Button is always a whirlwind of excitement and this year was no different. I took the train, which I love, always restful and relaxing. I leave Dearborn, Michigan at 7:11 and get off the train in Milwaukee at 2:30 or so (actually 3:30 Dearborn time), and with a short walk to the Hilton Hotel - I am at my resting place for the next week.

This year was a little different for me - I was actually co-teaching a class with
Marcia DeCoster (imagine - me!!), not just being the assistant....nervous? A little, but once the class started, I felt just as if I was teaching at
Stony Creek Beads! Our class was "Under the Mast II" - which took Marcia's popular "Under the Mast" class and added dangling rivoli's to it.

Also different was that many of my friends from the
Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild were going to be attending: Kate, Sue, Sharon, Cynthia, Michelle, Gail and many more - it was like a board meeting in Milwaukee! Several of my friends also roomed together so visiting them in the Hyatt was like summer camp with GOOD beads. I also ran into several of my Facebook friends - Gwen, Dot (Dot and I met in a bar with our bead embroidered purses)

This year, with Marcia's name and mine as instructors, we had two tables for the "Meet the Teachers" event. With a great display and her two "Marc-ettes" (Pat and myself), we have a nice evening of talking with former students (Denise found me to talk about my "Indiscret" necklace and other necklaces and then we found our picture on the Bead and Button show Facebook page - OMG!) and hopefully future students.

Preparing for next year? If I save enough money - I would love to to this!
Master class with Sherry Serafini
That would be such a thrill to learn more from her! Let's see, time from work shouldn't be a problem, just need to start saving! I know, I know - I can do bead embroidery, but I believe that I could take it to the next level if I am exposed to Sherry for that lenght of time!
Here is an assortment of other pictures from the week. It truely is a thrill to have had a small part in this experience.

Petra and Liz pose for a picture! Thank you!
I won the first annual B&B Show hat contest for my
"Bad Ass Bird" hat (named by Nikia Angel of Buy the Kit)

This picture was taken so that my friends in the Hyatt knew that I returned safely to
the Hilton. Of course, I had to stop in for a beverage before calling it a night

The ever stylish and talented, Marcia DeCoster, takes my picture while I take hers

Jill Wiseman and I have a "walk-by" in the hall between the convention center and the Hyatt
and discover that we have AWESOME taste in shoes!

Martina, Sandy, Sabine, and Petra in the Hyatt "Gathering Place"

Cyn Bicker's wonderful Zentangled lamp - love it!

Benjamin Bunny and Little Hoot hang out together during classes

And finally, my stash that came home with me! Can you say that I have a little bit of a crystal fetish? I love them. This year, I found crystal chain for $2 a foot. I found crystal clay and crystals to put in in (picture an altoids container covered!). I bought some of the new Tulip needles that are supposed to be wonderful - I haven't tried them out yet.
And the one thing that I found in Milwaukee that is the best? Friends!
Marcia, Tracy, Janice, Martina, Dot, Anna, Gail, Sabine, Petra and everyone else who made this a wonderful week.
(p.s. I could have been happy to leave the bronchitis in Milwaukee, but if someone had to catch it, I am glad that it was me!