Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A little embarrassed...

I'm posting my little heart off over the last month or so, and can't understand why I am not getting any comments. NONE!! I thought for certain that the tattoo would have prompted some comments - even if it was that people thought that I was insane (not too far from the truth). Nothing.

Then, I was posting this mornings post when I noticed something in settings. It was set so that I had to approve all the comments. Hell? When did I turn that setting on? I don't remember doing that. Was I drinking? Was I smoking crack?

I had a lot. LOT. of comments to approve. And only one to be deleted (I can't read Chinese).

My bad....


coolmoon said...

WHERE can I get one of those PINS! HYSTERICAL!
And I was one of the posters to the tattoo blog - I wondered what I might have said to offend. Too funny. Glad you've got it all set up right now....

Robbie said...

love the pin as well! I don't comment on ttatoo's..what folks do with their bodies is their own business. I'll keep to commenting just on your bead work and their effect on your body image! no, they don't make 'them' look bigger! Love it!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Of course!! we been commenting. That tat was about time!!

They might make your boobs look bigger, they look pretty big, course now that you got the pin, everyone will have an opinion! lol~

Where can I get one
You gonna sell em
Why not
Huh, Huh

The bad Liz said...

Those aren't my boobs - I couldn't be that lucky. but I will ask the owner of the pin (and bosoms) where she got it.