Thursday, August 30, 2007
Bead Journal Teaser for September
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
August Bead Journal Page - finished (at last)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
August Bead Journal Page - continue
As I bead this journal page, there is a little song that goes through my mind. It's the song from the "Wizard of Oz" movie - not my most favorite movies, but one that I do enjoy watching every year. Some childhood memories die hard, don't they?
You're out of the woods
You're out of the dark
You're out of the night
Step into the sun, step into the light
Keep straight ahead
For the most glorious place
On the Face of the Earth
Or the sky
Hold onto your breath
Hold onto your heart
Hold onto your hope
March up to the gate
And bid it open
It shouldn't be took much longer - just a couple of evenings. Then I can start on September, which is just a vision in my head. Especially since I lost my note with my "most brilliant idea" - that's a bummer.
But the end is in sight and the dog wants out.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Herringbone colours
In late July, I went to my friend's house in Ohio and met up with several beaders who have been on the Bead Cruise with me. They saw the piece and ooohed and aaahed over it. Now this is a piece that I took with me because I was going to take it apart and reuse the beads!!! Estelle, Shelly and Lynn - I finished it over the weekend and I am going to try and sell it at the Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild Bead Bonanza on October 14th. I wouldn't have finished it at all, if you hadn't threatened me with bodily harm!! Thanks!
Casie on the Rocks - Finished!
I was camping in northern Michigan (well, it was actually Mid-state, in West Branch, but anything past mile market 200 on I-75 equates to being "Up-north") for the last 8 days. What great weather - not too hot, not too chilly, just wonderful.
My beads and I did a lot of work this week. I finished "Casie on the Rocks" while sitting in the sunshine, watching Casie and Molly check out all the dogs that walked by their jail - er, pen.
I'm pretty pleased with the way that this piece turned out - I might do a little more on the rocks, but then again, I might not. I used an adaptation of the Nepal or Biva chain to add textural leaves to the piece.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Casie on the Rocks - part 5
My work on "Casie on the Rocks" has continued this week. I promised myself that I would complete some projects before I start something new. I have been working on the rocks - browns and greys, with a little black thrown in. I also re-beaded Casie's one leg - the back one that is to the right. I didn't like the other texture and colour that I beaded it in, so out it went. The new one, on the left looks better.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
August Bead Journal Page
This is the start of my August Bead Journal Page. I am using size 20 seed beads from a vintage bag that was just shredding. I've been taking the bag apart slowly - even though almost 1/2 the bag was missing, there are still a lot of beads, especially the "dirty" grey colour for the background. I like the start of this project.
Guesses, part drei
Well? I used mostly orange size 11 seed beads, with an occasional purple bead. My inspiration was an orange and purple starfish picture that I found on the internet. I worked the legs in right angle weave around a chopstick, with decreases along the stick. It's drapy and flowing and just really fun.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Go Me!!!
Dear DCA/GLBG Art Show Participant:
Thank you for sending in your application(s) to contribute your beautiful art work to this show. It has been very exciting to review all the submissions, which are a great representation of the talent this Guild has. What a tough choice to pick the show pieces! In order to display a variety of artwork, we selected a range of beadwork types/styles from embroidery to jewelry to sculptural.
We are happy to inform you that the following item(s) of yours will be shown at DCA/GLBG exhibit in late October, early November 2007:
I might become "somebody"!!!
Thank you for sending in your application(s) to contribute your beautiful art work to this show. It has been very exciting to review all the submissions, which are a great representation of the talent this Guild has. What a tough choice to pick the show pieces! In order to display a variety of artwork, we selected a range of beadwork types/styles from embroidery to jewelry to sculptural.
We are happy to inform you that the following item(s) of yours will be shown at DCA/GLBG exhibit in late October, early November 2007:
Downriver Council for the Arts (DCA) and Home Gallery
I might become "somebody"!!!
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